MoviesCaught Fur by Nicole Kidman and Robert Downey Jr last week with E, a pretty movie with some artistic scenes but the plot, nothing much to boot about. It was more of a tribute to Diane Arbus than anything else, and of course, everything beautified by the gorgeous Kidman I believe.
I was abit shaken by the nude scenes of the older folks, especially since I went with zilch idea about the movie. Not a pretty sight & definitely not a turn-on. You may beg to differ in aesthetic sense & argue that nudity in all forms possess beauty. Yea yea but I m so sorry, I think it's really not for the faint-hearted. not when I am snacking on delicious fries.
I also caught this really thigh-stabbing witless show on DVD some two days ago, Nacho Libre, featuring Jack Black with otherwise relatively unknown co-stars.
Imagine typical Jack Black humour & you would have imagined it all. Let's just say, the trauma set in during the show and remains till now.
Three words for the movie- No. No. No.