More SoccerBy now, you must have already witnessed or heard about the commotion on how the Thai players refused to carry on the match after the Malaysian referee awarded us with a penalty kick during the first leg, evidently a big deal as it did lead us to our advantageous lead thereafter.
(Coincidentally, I thought I caught a glimpse of my friend at the spectator stand on TV, of which was confirmed later as I smsed him. *lol*)
Anyway, very tak-glam lah the kinda sportsmanship the Thais displayed this year...tsk tsk. Soccer has always been a game based on judgement which essentially boils down to a mere critical call in that instant. I fail to keep track of the number of times we disagree with the referee's decision but the game still has to go on. Living with the referee's call is also a constitution of the game.
Tensions were building up prior to the 2nd leg and feelings of nationalism were evoked, with the Thaksin/ Shin Corp incident as a backdrop no less. It is very unfortunate for the sport to be manipulated into a political tool.
I thought it was inevitable that the home team had to play under some unnecessary pressure as it seems like the usual performing suspects like Shi Jiayi and even our captain, Aide Iskandar appeared abit lacklustre that night.
And such is the case for the referees as well; there were a few yellow cards given which I felt was unjust, and some other few who deserved the yellow cards but were given none. Like what the commentators said, it really depends on the referee's integrity to make a correct but controversial judgement.
The match was evidently one-sided as the Thais were in constant possession of the ball while the Lions missed several good passes and opportunities to up the score. Again, even during the 2nd match, I was particularly unimpressed with the Thai's sportsmanship. However, I do admit it was kinda unnecessary for Fahrudin to stop the Thai player, Thonglao from helping Sharil Ishak up after a tackle early during the match, but it was even more unnecessary when the Thai player attempted to kick our man who was floored, later into the match, in a fit of frustration. Tsk tsk...very unglam.
Although the 2nd leg was largely one-sided indeed, plus points to the Lions who were able to come around, despite the pressure of playing on away grounds and after being down at 1-0 from the 1st half of the match. Thanks to the now, national hero, Number 19 Khairul Amri, who scored the crucial equalizer during the 2nd half.
Finally, he did some good to the team. Hopefully he realises by now, it feels better to score than to foil. :/
Forgive me for my dry humour but I thought it was pretty comical when Lionel Lewis, our goal keeper, got a yellow card for wasting time. *Guffaws* Nice. Aiya but it was disappointing to have both Indra & Baihakki on the bench that night. Oh the cuties for the team...the match was less interesting because of youuuuuuuu.
Nevertheless, it wasn't an easy feat to fend of succumbing to pressure. Congrats to the Lions again, for the victory!