Aiya, u can't see! But the one taking a bow is the leading lady of the performance. Like a drag show kinda thing where the diva lip-syncs to the song.
Very sassy...colleague told mi she/ he performs at Boom Boom Room.
Then there is our siao onz GM, who dressed up as...i assume, a ghost bride.
Trust us, when we saw her at the carpark, it freaked all of us out. If not for her car & her hubby standing wif her which gave her away, we wouldn't have guessed.
She was kinda disappointed we recognized her from afar though. Lol.
Darn, i shud have asked her to stand at a corner in the toilet to start freakin' people out.
Then when dey invited her on stage, she literally drifted from her table to the stage...i caught one spooky shot of her.
Pity she didnt win Best Dressed.
Speaking of which, here are all the nominees for Best Dressed!
Click to enlarge for captions.
Another one of them wif a clearer view of everybody, coz the lights came on, and those who are blocked in the previous foto can be seen here too.
The nominees are put up to perform a seductive dance, including dancing around an imaginary pole, for the audience to judge who shall be the winner. But the dance must be relevant to the characters dey r representing for the nite.
The emcee demonstrated once & boy, can he shake his booty or can he shake his booty....the one wif the blondish cock head is him.
Here's one of the Pontianak. She was hilarious coz she did the dance real slow-mo to fit her female ghost image. And she took her time to look as creepy as she could.
Imagine....all wif the song "Tuo Diao" in the background. Lol.
And here's one of the werewolf harrassing the flirty nurse. Oooh by then, he has already thrown off his mask while dancing...
More like lecher wolf reli.
And then he went down on the floor, while dancing wif the nurse. So old-school loh...
He's at the bottom right-hand side of the foto, in case u can't see coz it's pretty dark.
Underneath the werewolf mask, he actually bleached his hair just for the event to the same color as his fake fur. Can see in the foto? Damn garang...but he has to bleach it back before appearing for work on Monday, otherwise his clients might get a nerve popped.