
Being the sucker Singaporeans, we were all excited when we saw the huge wheel go round & round wif all the lights & paid like 100 bht per person to go on a 4 or 5 rounds on the harmless thing. Dis was taken from the top of the ferris wheel, of Suan Lom market & beyond, sori huh, abit dark.

A pic of the cemetary which has memorial tablets of warriors who perished in the war from the penetration of the Japanese. Mostly Dutch soldiers. Each tablet bears engravings of the name, rank & lifespan of the soldiers & some were reli young when dey passed on, like...20yrs old. It was kinda sad.
Then we also visited the Death Railway, which was constructed by the POWs during the time. Well, its name bcoz many died from overworking & mistreatment. Can u c the railway stretching across the waters?

Dey allow tourists to walk on the railway today, u noe, mostly to take pictures & awe our heads off wif the view. Interestingly, dis railway is still in operation. When there's a train coming thru, the horn will sound aloud from afar & the people on the railway shud all retreat & get out of the way, unless anybody aspires to become peanut butter & jam sandwiches. But anyway, the train moves at a reli slow speed, so no biggie there.
Speaking of train, we had the chance to go on one & it was like train- train, not mrt-train. We were squeezing along wif locals & got to see some nice views. Well, not to mention some of us (i'm not mentioning names) broke the seat after attempting to squeeze a-too-many people in on one seat. The poor seat simply collapsed when dey stood up to alight...lol...& i tink the locals were kinda shocked. Too much pad thai?? Hurhur...But as we were scurrying off to alight, we had to leave it & be irresponsible.
R.I.P wooden plank, at least u held on till the end.

Anyway, so, dis was the reason why we traveled 2 hrs on a mini van out of Bangkok to come to dis place call Kanchanaburi. Apparently the waterfall is famously nice or something.
Well, it is nice, 'cept dat the place was trickling not onli wif water but wif human traffic as the day we went was a public holiday for the locals. There were people having picnic everywhere, some even brought along steamboat. Kids, adults alike were diving in & out the water & some sliding down the rocks etc. Dey do seem to be very happy at wad dey r doink though.
And may i add, the place we expected to be surreal & nature-like, was also highly touristy as there were roadside stalls along the main road, selling local tibits, ice creams & drinks etc.
Unfortunately, we stayed at most a good 10-15mins staring at the congestion b4 deciding it was nothing fantastic & moved off. Sigh...so much for an adventure in seek of nature.
I rather go shopping.

Anyway, we visited Chatuchak market like any other tourists do & would u just look at the crazy crowd in the pic above!?!? And the place is so humongous most of the time, we r trying not to get lost more than we do anything else.

When brother & mo had nature calls, dey went in seek of a toilet & here's wad dey found & had to do their business in. See the line of queue? Dis bus is for ladies, dey hv a bus for men's parked behind.
Notice the puddle under the bus? It definitely came from the bus but gosh, I dun reli wanna noe wad dat is though.
Some other Random Stuff
Hey! Look wad Empress Dowager found while clearing some old crap from the drawer!
My old watch!
See? The face is so pretty! Ok la, spoilt oredi but it's my sweet o' Garfield watch which i use to wear to bed, to bathe, in rain or shine...till i hv the tan shape on my wrist. Lol. So nostalgic laaaaaaaa.

And i tried to use dis gift from Chunie. It's a USB Cup Warmer. Supposed to plug it into ur PC's USB port & switch it on & it ought to warm up ur cup/ drink to 70 deg cel.
U can heat up ur drink by placing it on the metal plate in the middle of the dog dish lookalike thing. Cute huh...but well...i waited for a good 5 to 10 minutes & apparently my coffee remains as cold. And since i hv no idea how long i hv to wait or if it works...so...i decided to finish my coffee b4 it becomes colder. U noe......wad if the rate at which my coffee cools is faster than the rate the USB Cup Warmer heats it up?!
Anyway, i attended my company's D&D on the Saturday night which just passed. Took quite abit of photos too.
The theme for the night was Las Vegas cum Halloween. Our team went there as witches & had our face painted. There were props like broomsticks, hats, pumpkin buckets, cauldrons, wigs etc. The girls also tried their best to resemble one, if not freaky, wif all the goth & makeup going on.
But when we reached there, we realised we were not still not crazy enuff! There were other teams who reli went all out to dress up. Darn!
It was such an insane night & i nvr dreamt of saying dis but the party was pretty fun since most of the peeps were reli sporting i shud add. It helped dat the emcee also had a screw loose.
I have yet to upload the photos.
So later.
Mystery Revealed.
It's interesting how i have been getting an assortment of comments about how lucky i m, u noe, to afford going to holidays after holidays & not having to worry about work yet also not having to worry about the lack of income.
Strange, bcoz yes it's true & fantastic i hv been able to travel a fair bit, albeit to nearby countries only, but no i do worry about my future still, while dwelling in dis pitstop.
And how can money nvr be a concern for anybody?!? Of coz i worry, u doofus!
It's just dat after working for nearing 2 yrs, it's not a significant amount but i guess anybody who have worked for a while wif a decent pay wud hv accumulated at least a little ounce of savings to last for a buffer period.
Dunch tell mi u cudn't save a single cent after working for 2 yrs? Cross ur heart, if not for the lack of discipline, i'm sure after slogging like a cow, ur saving account wud hv at least swelled a little.
I still nid to pay my bills ya noe. When i plan on taking the break, of coz i wud hv oredi tot of money issues. I dun get money from my parents now even tho technically i m still under their roof, but at least i dunch leech on dem anymore. And incidentally, every cent i spent now, is still my very blood & sweat.
So no, it's not pure accidental bliss & joy dat i hv the luxury of stopping to toil for a while, coz i hv actually done abit of thinking b4 taking the plunge thank u veri much. Sure, mayB not about 10 to 20 yrs later, but at least for dis period of time.
Plus, having no commitments like marriage, kids, cars or housing helps.
So, the nxt time u tink i m having a breezy time sorting out my life now, tink again.
Have to bathe now, meeting Mo later.
Surviving Bangkok
We're back! After some 6 days, time sure flies past in a blink or two.
Being the 1st timer in Bangkok, shopping is aplenty like most urban legends about the place suggests. I'm surprised at the guys' stamina though, dey didn't whine about it dat much.
But expect the normally breezy activity to be coupled wif alot more crowd, heat & much larger area to cover. Just imagine our Bugis village is merely a fraction of Chatuchak itself.
Their market is like dis huuuuge grid where u can comb the areas till ur legs start to quiver. Their alleys r a tad too narrow for my liking tho, and ventilation could b better to make shopping more conducive. But who m i kiddin', tourists still swarm to the place nevertheless, so dey must b doin' something rite.
Well, i didn't quite manage to buy as much stuff as i had hoped i wud. In fact, it was a lil' disappointing coz more often than not, i just got abit too hot & bothered to concentrate on lookin' around proply & going thru the whole bargaining routine. Plus, i was tryin' veri hard not to get claustrophobic while navigatin' around.
Then again, there r a couple of occasions where i saw something i wanted to buy but kept bearing the tot dat the next shop mite hv the same item at a better price & missed the chance to geddit coz either i dun c it at the other shops subsequently or it's steeper. Dey stil do sell repetitive stuff but wif d exception of a few items i got my eyes on. Not fated i guess. It's almoz impossible to back-track there without getting disoriented. So, some regrets there, but nvm i will noe better nxt time. Seize the moment. Hehe.
Besides plenty of shopping, another abundant thing is the number of taxis dey hv on the streets. Stiff competition dey've got goin'. Fortunately, i'm proud to say dat we have till date, survived the Initial D-driver, the cabby lad on drugs & the one wif physical/ mental disability who agreed to take us home but drove us for a small distance b4 offing his metre n decided he's not familiar wif our hotel area n wanted us to get off instead.
We pretty much cabbed our way around since we r somewhat stayin' at the outskirts. Brother was quite disturbed by it since there was a whole lot of uncertainty wif the reliability of the cabby. Going out was less of a problem as opposed to coming back. It's still cool coz accomodation is cheap, bout $140 for 5 nights twin-sharing, peeps r frenly & there's much civilization around our area. Quite happening still.
Some of the cabs even spot the decal saying "I love Farangs" wif fine prints "We welcome foreigners", even tho dey dun speak much english. But an observation thruout the trip was dat the locals r stil very much pro-whites. Quite abit of a discrimination, for dey seem to perceive all whites to be rich & r Robert Tohs for dem to potentially ketok.
Fortunately, we hv our fren & his wifey, who brought us around most of the time as it's their 3rd time back there. Save us quite abit of trouble, thanks to dem. :)
I've alwaz imagined locals in Bangkok to hv better command of english though, mayB coz i've been to other states of Thailand, supposedly less touristy & was expecting the better of their capital. It's abit inconvenient, especially when we r trying to ask for something & everytime we say something to dem, we r worried how it might be misinterpreted.
But then again, no biggie there, since we can alwaz rely on international gestures & charade our way thru.
Food is good & cheap, as usual. We tried roadside stalls selling food in local style, Pad Thai, omelette rice, and some of which i duno the name to. No tummy runs even tho the hygiene is expectedly, not dat fantastic. Dey've got peddlars walking in the middle of the road in between stopped cars at traffic lights to sell fried banana, flowers etc. Whoo! We saw a man who alighted from a bus which was crawling in the jam, ran about 40m over to the roadside to get a drink & den ran back n boarded the bus again. Boy, is he thirsty or is he thirsty...and of coz, we had to hv their Tom Yam Goong. It's Thailand leiii.....But we didn't try everything dey hv la...dey had deep fried grasshoppers, worms & scorpions wch i'm not dat gamed.
Oh anyway, not much sightings of their political situation 'cept for a few gungho-looking military men on patrol at the airport & fortunately, the flood has cleared by the time we got there. Similar to Krabi like previously mentioned, many of the locals in Bangkok r also donnin' the same yellow polo tee to rejoice their King's longevity, dey've even got yellow shirts & jackets spotting the same logo. Talk about patriotism, we're nowhere near manz.
Btw, speaking of airports, all AirAsia's flights will operate at their new Suvarnabhumi Airport w.e.f September dis yr, no more from Bangkok International Airport (Don Muang). AirAsia got shuttle buses to ferry people directly to the plane u r supposed to board after u check in at the boarding gate.
The service is totful, but abit mafan coz normally the boarding gate opens like 30mins b4 the flight & people normally dun reach on time since dey alwaz predict chances of budget airlines being delayed r higher. Well, the shuttle service is not dat infrequent; it's like 5 mins away, but for late-comers, it might make a diff. U might wanna consider checkin' in at the boarding gate on time or slightly earlier subsequently, especially if u wan a gd seat.
Well, dat's all for now. Photos later hopefully.
New Week, Unfresh Start.
It is only Tuesday but i feel so bogged.
For once, it's not becoz of work, since i'm not working for now. It's still a good thing though.
I simply feel inadequate n cheesed off by a tad too many affairs. And it certainly isn't the hormones coz the monthly thing has oredi made its exit. Dis means these many affairs REALI cheesed mi off in a reeli, reeli bad way.
Dis is very not good. When i m unhappy, the rolling of eyes gets more often n the heightened reluctance to talk to people sets in. Empress Dowager says i m getting more n more unsociable.
Very not good indeed. Since i m taking a trip dis week, I ought to be in high spirits.
Well, let's just say dat, so many things have happened over the weekend & at the fresh of dis week i tink my mind isn't keeping up wif the pace yet. Also, it probly is still incapable of making any sense out of which.
Maybe May is right, without working, the brain will get retarded.
I was reli shaken a couple of nites ago. Started tinking to myself on the bed before turning in, sometimes getting an amnesia isn't such a bad idea, of coz in juxtaposition to death, especially when there r simply too many things & people u dunch wanto worry, know or remember anymore.
Dat oughto bring about a fresh start.
A new, white piece of paper. A reset timer. A runaway girl.
It's my Brudder's Birthday!

Eh! YH says u rather gif money to the wrong person than miss giving out to the needy ah? Is dat right?!?! How come I didn't noe u r so philanderous..i meant, philanthropic one leiiii...
I oso needy u noe?!?! Why u nvr gimme money?!?!? I sell tissues to u la!! Or u wan my healthy & vibrant B+ blood????
O ya..which reminds mi, i owe u $9.50 for movie. Dammit.
Anyway, hiappi berfdae la!!
p/s: Dunch complain i wish u late anymore hor, remember u spoilt my yellow, nike backpack. Bohahaha!
The Pain
I've gotto admit i hv not been religiously following some of the blogs i have linked here, entirely due to my pure, shameless sloth, not bcoz i stopped enjoying reading dem.
Out of a sheer moment of impulse, i visited
Tetanus's blog tonight.
It has been some months now, and i suddenly miss his writings.
It was to my very dismay when i chanced upon the death of another blog which i appreciate.
Even though there is no friendship existing wif the owner of the blog, it's a shame reli.
His choice of words & chosen way of expressing his thoughts & emotions struck mi in a good way from the very beginning.
I will certainly miss reading the moments he is capable of capturing & penning down as entries when dey could hv merely been passed off as trivialities.
Anyway, good luck in life, wif work, love & health, Tetanus.

This must be the 3rd or 4th time i am watching & re-watching the sitcom FRIENDS again. I just nvr get sick of it. No idea why. Mebbe i hv goldfish memory.
I think folks who love FRIENDS like i do identify wif the characters, so much so dat we wud most likely not take notice of the stars should it not be for the sitcom. Credits to their own convincing acting aside, tink all of dem reli owe their fancy cars & enormous mansions to the show manz.
And even tho i noe wad's gonna happen next oredi, it's still reali addictive, i kid u not. The jokes still make mi laff & the heartaches still gets mi tearing. Crying watching FRIENDS?? U'll tink i'm nuts, but nooo...i still can't stand watching Rachel & Ross break up. Same scenes, same reactions.
I even remember, when i was still a stinkin' student mugging for exams, one episode of FRIENDS was my reward for completing a chapter. Ok fine, sometimes i watch a few. It was reli something to look forward to u noe...like a beam of light at the end of the tunnel. Haha.
Well, as much as we would like to think that Matt Le Blanc IS Joey in real life & Lisa Kudrow IS as quirky as Phoebe in reality, it's not all fairy-taley for the stars off show.
Sometimes I wonder if i have papparazi blood in my body...credits & nominations aside, tabloids rule! Muahaha!
I did a quick search on them on the net & read up a lil' on each of dem, well, here's wad i found interesting. (Dis is wad happens when u've got too much free time on ur hand)
Lisa Kudrow as Phoebe Buffay
Look at her in the past! This must be taken during the initial seasons.

Thank goodness for the invention of cosmetics & rebonding...

Different eh? See...? The magic of make-up & hair!
And i tink she looks reli gorgeous here:

Can u belive she's like...43 or so this year?!?! And a mother of how many i dunch noe la..but if she still looks like this at 43, she shall deserve a shrine erected at the top of Beverly Hills in her name, for women all over the world to come worship her... & perhaps lotsa beauty products to endorse.
Matt Le Blanc as Joey Tribbiani

He's the only one who did an extension- JOEY after the last season of FRIENDS concluded. Good looking chap & great actor. 
Now, who can blame us if everybody thinks he's reali a goofball like his character Joey in real life?!

He & ex-wife, Melissa McKnight. Unfortunately they just finalized their divorce this year & ended their almost 3 years of marriage. That's long enuff for Hollywood i guess.
David Schwimmer as Ross Gellar
He's one funny character to watch manz. The most educated & apparently the highest achiever of the bunch in the show, but also the loser brother of Monica Gellar.

Did u noe that he turned down Will Smith's part in Men in Black?
I caught the Reunion show which gathered all the FRIENDS characters again to reminisce their journey together but he's quite a far-fetched figure in real from Ross. He's more of the serious sort who rarely smiles, just like Stephen Chow.

Somehow U tend to think dey r equally silly off & on-camera but well, evidently not.
Read he has just recently won a defamation lawsuit against former charity fundraiser Aaron Tonken for $400K. I like to think it's in Ruppiah or something, otherwise, dat's another rich, rich man for u.
Courtney Cox as Monica Gellar
I always think she resembles Demi Moore, ya think??
Minus the hair, i tink dis looks like Demi when she was in Ghost.

Well, she's quite pretty in her own rights but u wud think that somebody like her will have all the confidence in the world but she was noted saying she is struggling wif ageing & tries not to have too many mirrors around. Bah! Hollywood disease.
Well, at least apart from Lisa Kudrow, she is still hitched to David Arquette. But for long more, who noes?

Jennifer Aniston as Rachel Green
The most famous one of the lot i would think.
She has the highest profile, thanks to Brad Pitt no less, and the most obvious fashion-icon amongst them & i tink she sorta contributed to the rebonding trend too.
But before that, here's Jennifer with curls:

And here's her again wif her legendary straight, shiny locks:

Can u believe it when she said she isn't comfortable with her own physical appearance?!?!
Siao char bors.
And can u believe dat her mum actly made money out of spilling some beans to the press on her famous daughter & even wrote a book about it to earn more big bucks. Dey fell out bcoz of dis & oni got their estranged relationship back on tracks recently after closing in to a decade.
And before the bubble of the get-together of Prom King & Queen burst, here's how pretty dey looked like together:

Too bad for Brad, i tink Jen's quite a catch. Better than cynical-looking Lara Croft i vote.
Lucky for Vince Vaughn, Jen's wif him now. Vince is the chap who co-starred The Break-Up along wif her, who also played the good guy in Dodgeball who saved the day & if u still don't noe who the hell, he's dat curly-haired mafia in Starsky & Hutch.
If u still, still has no idea, go google his name for his face. Gah.
Matthew Perry as Chandler Bing
It was hilarious when dey featured Chandler & Ross back in High School, looking reli dorky but dey tot it was damn cool. Ross had a moustache & dat curly black hair ala Ronald McDonalds & Chandler had dat hairdo ala Felix the Cat.
Again, hairdo makes such a big diff:

One thing i dun get is dat dey constantly featured Chandler as a loser who nvr gets the babes but i think he's quite charming! And i like his victory dance which is totally so off. And his sarcasm. Hahaha. Could u BE any dumber?!
Unfortunately for him in real life, while playing the character, he was admitted into a drug rehab for some 2 yrs or so for chemical dependency on painkillers & alcohol. And read he also had some weight problems too. Sheesh.
Look! Look! Courtney Cox reli looks like Demi Moore wif her long hair wad!! No????

Anyway, drugs problems, divorces & lawsuits aside, FRIENDS is still the best sitcom ever.

Viva la FRIENDS! :)
Gouty Arthritis
I just made a trip to the doctor's finally coz despite after 2 Panadols, 2 Glucosamines, the pain in my foot persisted & i have been limpin' around for some 3 days now. Not to mention limpin' to Mustafa yday...wad was i tinkin'...
After observing my foot on its apparent, since there wasn't any open wound, doc decided to do a blood test. *horrified* I was prepared to do a urine test tho, since it's more painless to pee than to bleed ya noe.
-_-''' I watched him puncture a small hole in my middle finger (darn, can't swear freely now) in abit of fear & squeeze out substantial amount of blood for him to test for my uric acid. Found out the amount of blood required is not the same when they were merely trying to find out your blood type back then. Zzzz...
While waiting for the machine to generate the results, doc made small talk & asked about my profession. Well, my answer got him sitting upright & before i know it, he was whipping out files, notes & findings to show me how there is a vast trend of exploitation going on in the local scene of the medical industry. Exploitation of patients & doctors for the benefit of insurance industry that is.
How am i involved? Well, coz HR practitioners are normally responsible for deciding which insurance broker & insurer to buy medical insurance for their company's staff from. And his point is that the company's HR is often oblivious to how big a margin the insurance companies get from the fee agreed, in turn shortchanging the medical health people, leaving the docs wif no choice but to compromise on the medication & for some, service, to the patients who come to them.
Can tell he was genuinely pissed. Fine, i will take note of dis if i ever have a chance to decide which insurance company to purchase medical coverage from.
Ok, anyway.
Apparently, my uric acid turns out to be pretty normal.
Doc says from the superfical observation, the diagnosis is that i've got Gouty Arthritis. Uric acid is but one indication of which & normally people with Gout has high uric acid. But he also mentioned wif low uric acid, it doesn't mean i can't get Gout.
Ok fine.
I asked for the cause, and he mentioned it could be because i have been taking too much food high in protein, like meat, liver, spleen (which i don't coz i'm not a meat-person) or due to large intake of alcohol like beer especially (which i didn't take in recent weeks). Better yet, he said it could be inborn for some.
Right. Inborn!? Thanks alot leh.
Then he also said it could be due to excessive walking.
Well. I can't help it if i have to walk right. -_-'''''
He gave me some medication to take which was said to be able to make the pain go away quickly, gout or not, so i could walk normally soon. I have yet to have lunch, so we'll see later.
I came back & did a quick search on super Wikipedia, and found the following:
DefinitionGout (aka gouty arthritis) is a form of arthritis caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints. It is an intensely painful disease, which in most cases affects only one joint (monoarthritis), most commonly the big toe.Checked. Checked. Checked.
Signs & SymptomsThe classic picture is of excruciating and sudden pain, swelling, redness, warmness and stiffness in the joint. Low-grade fever may also be present. The patient usually suffers from two sources of pain. The crystals inside the joint cause intense pain whenever the affected area is moved. The inflammation of the tissues around the joint also causes the skin to be swollen, tender and sore if it is even slightly touched. For example, a blanket draping over the affected area would cause extreme pain.Ok checked too. No fever though.
CauseAlthough the exact cause of gout is not known, it is thought to be linked to defects in purine metabolism. Purine is an organic compound commonly found in the body and is metabolized by the body into uric acid. People with primary gout have either an increased production of uric acid or an impaired excretion of uric acid, or a combination of both.Darn you! Purine metabolism!!
Many still believe that gout is caused by a combination of dietary factors and "laziness". In particular, many believe that gout develops following several years of excessive alcohol consumption combined with an ongoing lack of physical activity and a diet completely lacking in purine-neutralising foods, such as berries, as well as other specific fruit and vegetables (see below). Others have refined this theory, saying that some are genetically predisposed to gout and some are not. As a result, people who are not predisposed can live over-indulgent lifestyles and not develop gout, while others who are predisposed can develop gout, despite being physically active and having a well-rounded diet. However, most in the "genetic predisposition" school of thought nonetheless believe that the condition is much more likely to develop in the predisposed if the other factors are present over several years (excess alcohol, inactivity and failure to eat purine-neutralising foods).Laziness?!? Wad the hell la....then doc say i walk too much!??! So which is it???
And i'm not an alcoholic!!
Ok la i got nothing to say if i'm genetically predisposed loh.
PreventionLow purine diet:
-To lower uric acid:
--cherries have been shown to reduce uric acid
--strawberries or blueberries (and other dark red/blue berries) are also reputed to be beneficial
---celery extracts (celery or celery seed either in capsule form or as a tea) is believed by many to reduce uric ---acid levels (although these are also diuretics).
---limit food high in protein such as meat, fish, poultry, or tofu to 8 ounces (226 grams) a day. Avoid entirely during a flare up.
Food to avoid:
-foods high in purines
--sweetbreads, kidneys, liver, brains, or other offal meats (Heng ah! i don't eat all these, so no loss!)
--sardines (I can live without)
--anchovies (Doesn't bother me too)
--scallops, prawns, and crabs (Oh..the pain. I shall save money on these then..)
--alcohol. Some claim that this applies especially to beer, on the basis that brewer's yeasts are very rich in purine. In view of the fact that most modern commercial beer contains trace amounts of yeast, this claim requires substantiation. Others claim that red wine is particularly bad for gout, though again it is difficult to find an explanation. Alcohol may also reduce the rate of uric acid excretion. (Ok won't die to not drink. I repeat, i am not an alocoholic!!)
--meat extracts, consommés, and gravies
--diet sodas (these act as diuretics in many people, causing uric acid to concentrate in the blood which can then easily precipitate) (Then can i take normal sodas then?!?!)
To avoid dehydration:
Drink plenty of liquids, especially water, to dilute and assist excretion of urates;
Use sparingly diuretic foods or medicines like aspirin, vitamin C, tea and alcohol. Prevention better than cure lah huh. Ok no alcohol, less meat & seafood, more berries. Got it.
Some Boliao FindingsFamous People who had GoutOne of the most famous sufferers of gout was Henry VIII. Others include John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, Khubilai Khan, Nostradamus, John Milton, Queen Anne, Isaac Newton, Henry Fielding, Samuel Johnson, Charles V, Pablo Neruda, Alfred Lord Tennyson, George IV, John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, Karl Marx, William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham, Benjamin Disraeli, Kirk Reuter, David Wells, Rubens, Lennart Torstenson, Peter Gomes, Alexander Hamilton, George Mason, Benjamin Franklin, Jared Leto.
Wahahaha! So many famous people got it too! *gloats* I duno all of dem la huh but i do noe Isaac Newton, Karl Marx (Marx leh!!! Marx!!) & heard of Thomas Jefferson & Jared Leto.
Waliaoz..of all things to have in common with famous people, i could have shared equal intelligence, or talents, but i had to share a common illness. WAD THE F**K.
Anyway, an added point i would like to say before rounding up.
Before visiting the doc, i actually took panadols right? Well panadol is a kinda aspirin right? Well...even taking a generic medication like this when u do not know the problem, could be harmful. Like i found out after reading up on this Gout thing i have. Aspirins seemingly worsen the situation. -_-
In addition, i was thinking, since it's swelling, maybe dipping my foot in ice water could ease the swelling abit. But then, after reading, again i found out, uric crystalization is accelerated by low temperature so the use of an ice pack could also worsen the condition. Instead, i have to treat it with warmth to improve blood circulation, like taking warm baths etc. Wah liaoz...heng i didn't use the ice pack thing.
Ok moral of the story, don't anyhow self-treat ok, altho common generic beliefs seem harmless...lack of knowledge could jolly well backfire.
Meanwhile, take good care of yourselves lah.