Tuesday, September 05, 2006
  2 Milestones Completed.
Well, not exactly milestones, more like...kilometre-stones.

Yesterday was a significant day to remember. I have achieved kilometre stones to perfecting effective communication.

I confronted a colleague, let's name her Xiao Ren, to clarify a conflict of interest. Haiyaz. Typical office politics, which i tried so hard to avoid but to no avail still.

If u noe wad i do for a living, u wud hv tot communication comes naturally, since the job nature highly demands for it. But really, u cud nvr be too good to learn more about effective communication & it's a different ball game altogether when u tok to internal people.

Basically it's alwaz the same o' story when it comes to sales. It's difficult to advocate teamwork when the nature of the job is so competitive.

Situation was like this in a nutshell- Both of us spoke to the same candidate, candidate went for both interviews & both companies offerred her & candidate picked my position over hers.

Of course I understand Xiao Ren's frustration when the candidate rejected her post but it was clearly a square game since all options were presented to the candidate equally.

I was pretty unhappy wif wad she accused mi of doing behind her back, when it was clearly no fault of mine. I could feel her negative vibes even tho we are seated oceans apart.

Thing is, it's one matter to tell me upfront how she felt about the whole situation. It's a separate matter when Xiao Ren complains to another colleague, let's call her Attention Seeker, about her displeasures.

Obviously, that puts mi in a rather bad light since i will not be able to defend for myself & it's detrimental when her inputs could possibly affect how other colleagues perceive me.

Well, when Attention Seeker tried to defend me, Xiao Ren wasn't very please at all. So Xiao Ren end up being cheesed off with both Attention Seeker & me.

Wahliaoz eh...got abit more secondary school ornot?!?!?!?

As much as I wanted to just slap Xiao Ren awake so dat she could twirl her brain around & quit acting so childishly, i decided not to stoop as low. Hurrrr. I decided upon the adult way-Tok.

The standard obstacle course is presented to me in this manner- When u tok to non-objective people like dat, it takes alot of mental preparation & rehearsal, for she will most probably be already biased to begin with & high chance, very defensive too.

While the opposition is so heavily guarding her fortress, in order to have a fruitful conversation, I, as the confronter, nids to not only keep my frustrations in check so dat my stand could be conveyed across objectively (make mental note: the mind can't think straight if anger is blinding the way). Choice of words are highly crucial too. Seriously. It's not even the last thing i wan- to hurt the opposition's ego & aggravate the tension.

Now, we all know how delicate an issue Ego can be. So let's not go there.

In short, controntation is a mean feat, at least for mi. I honestly do better at the listening end.

In conclusion, i felt the conversation could have gone abit better but i'm glad i decided to thrash things out wif her. It's such a horrible feeling to have it stuck in your throat.

The 2nd thing dat made yesterday memorable was when i tapped on a chap's shoulder & asked him not to lean on the pole. Dammit! The train was so crowded & dat inconsiderate fool shud be more civic-minded. Well, not to mention, dat was a trainful of people struggling to balance themself in their heels, cot shoes, leather shoes, pointed shoes, but not one had the guts to tell him off.


Guahahahaha. He apologized & stopped leaning on the pole. In all, there were 6 hands holding the pole consequentially.

I counted triumphantly.

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