Dinner @ Shangri-la Hotel.
Like royalty i tell u...it was of course, a company's dinner. Unless i strike la, otherwise, to fork out $60-70+++ just for a dinner is almost....too unnerving to do.
Anyway, of all the hotels we visited, i vote this one the best. The spread was great but i was more interested in their desserts. It was simply fantastic i tell u, just by looking k.
Well, i ate more than i cud take fotos of, coz i was too bz stuffing my face wif strawberries & marshmellows in chocolate fondue, chocolate ice-cream, mango sorbet, raspberry ice-cream, mocha ice-cream blah blah u get the deal.
I stopped short of dunking my head into the chocolate fondue fountain. Fortunately i stil manage to stay sane enuff to get a pic of 2.