1 Man Down.
Given it's a normal Tuesday afternoon, it's rare i can be home doing this. Thanks to the virus who chose to embed itself into mi, i had the luxury of staying home on loathesome Monday & Tuesday. Body aches, nausea, turning stomach aside.
Deciding wad to have for meals have been a bother since Sunday. The tongue is bland & the gastromies have apparently went on strike too. Even the trusty vegetarian wonton mee from Blk 318 Jurong East was rejected by the body when more than half of the helping ended up in the bin.
Strangely, the stomach seems to respond well when the brain sends images of McDonald's fries & its new burger & KFC's chicken across the body. Taboo food choices for the sick.
Well, now dat fever has indeed subsided & throat is not hurting.....wad harm cud fast food possibly do (besides adding on to the waistline) to a patient on recovery aye?