juz a day.
Today i woke up feelg spurred. I actly felt driven to churn out dat long overdue resume, for wotever reasons. But of coz dat wud mean i will hv to survive inhaling yrs of dust plus battle generations of cobwebs n nonsense stacked in my shelves. And trust mi,
nonsense is but an understatement.
Some of the certs n docs r still missing, o well, i guess i will hv to wait till another day (hopefully the motivation revisits -_-' ) coz i cudnt tolerate those particles floating ard n landing on mi, so i jumped into the shower after i was done packing dat oni cupboard. O boy! I found my a maths exercise books: d/dx ln f(x) = f'(x)/f(x) Therefore, Intergrate [f'(x)/f(x)]dx = ln f(x) ?!?!?!?!?! Gdness gracious! I dun even recognise ANY of these anymore...buahaha...o n i chanced upon my neo print book, n i m ultra amazed by my own collection...geez..lotsa dem r of the nanhua people..many i dun recall how it landed wif mi..n some faces i dun even recognize...n quite a few consisting of odd combinations. I hv dis urge to scan it in n put it on the blog coz i tink the idea is going to seriously freak people out...hahaha...
It is all coming back to mi again...do u still remember?
The Guys- Spotting fringes wch r on the verge of threadg beyond the silly disciplinary rules. Fringe above eyebrows n the sides r not allowed to touch the ears. Pah!! Some hv their fringes long or wavy or frizzy, not to mention constantly wet or majorly gelled. Some naively tinking wetting it n tucking it behind ears or combing it among hair wud escape Mrs Fong/Mr Low's eagle eyes. All had to b on the constant lookout for Mr Low's appearance, to prevent being scared to death by his thunderous bellow of "EH!BOY!", normally coming unprecendented from behind, especially after a game of basketball or soccer during recess where most guys hv their shirts tucked out. And then comes dis sly-looking dude Mr Lam. Need i say more?
The Girls: Collar-lengthed hair n plaits for dancers. Some insisting their faintly highlighted hair is their 1) natural color 2) bcoz dey swim alot 3) bcoz of the sun 4) bcoz their mother blivs it's a more auspicious color to dio Toto or 4D; n all sorta other crappy xcuses when kena caught. Some common captions for the neo prints r "Cutie Pies", "Lessies", "Bitches Rule", n we even blived it was cool. The blouse must either b very tucked in or very tucked out, n high socks were in vogue. So were sharp combs, for bof the guys n the gers. We wetted our hair alot too coz those were ages where rebonding didnt exist. And the ah lians had the trademarked feelered-like fringes. O n we reli detested Mr Thomas.
Hilarious. O n i still hv the nanhua graduation book!!! U can request to c it if u've lost urs, then we can laff madly together..*LOL* Everybody looked RELI RELI young bck den...haiz wch reminds mi of my lost youth again....damn.